Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Demo - IVerilog + GTKWave


  • installation iverilog and gtkwave
  • run the digital demo block to check the tool flow
    • compile the code:
      • iverilog -o DUT.out DUT.v tb_DUT.v
    • run the executable file
      • vvp DUT.out
    • plot dumped .vcd data file (don't forget the put dumped code in testbench)
      • gtkwave DUT.vcd
  • different OS can use different ways to make the flow easier. Please send an email to ask for codes working on Windows or Linux.
    • Window OS: .bat file
    • Linux OS: Makefile

    $ dumpfile("DUT.vcd");        //The name of the generated vcd file 
    $ dumpvars(0, tb_DUT );    //The name of the tb module


Icarus Verilog) is an open-source Verilog simulator with some SystemVerilog support. I really like to use it for quick digital circuit design and simulation. Icarus Verilog compiles the Verilog source into a file that is executed by its simulator vvp.

GTKWave is a open-source waveform viewer/plot tool, which is excellent for plotting digital signals in the simulation. It supports to read and view LXT, LXT2, VZT, FST, and GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD/EVCD files

Many fresh engineers might not be familiar with Iverilog and GTKWave. After using it for many years, I wish I know it when I was in college so I'd like to give a quick tutorial for all new engineer students who like to try open-source digital tool.

Demo Example

Basic 4-b counter is written in verilog.

 * 4-bit counter
module counter
    input  clk,      // posedge clock
    input  clr,      // synchronous clear
    input  en,       // enable: active high to increment
    output [3:0] cnt // counter value
    reg [3:0] cnt_reg, cnt_next;
    assign cnt = cnt_reg;
    always @(*) begin
        cnt_next = cnt_reg;
        if (clr) begin
            cnt_next = 4'd0;
        end else if (en) begin
            cnt_next = cnt_reg + 1;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        cnt_reg <= cnt_next;

The simple counter testbench

`timescale 1ns/100ps // 1 ns time unit, 100 ps resolution

module tb_counter;
    reg clk;
    always #5 clk = !clk;

    reg clr, en;
    wire [3:0] cnt;
    counter counter_0

    integer i;
    initial begin
        // create a VCD waveform dump called "tb_counter.vcd"
        // dump variable changes in the testbench
        // and all modules under it
        $dumpvars(0, tb_counter); 

    initial begin
        $monitor("t=%-4d: cnt = %d", $time, cnt);

        clk = 0; clr = 1; en = 0;

        @(negedge clk);
        clr = 0; en = 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1) begin
            @(negedge clk);


The function $dumpfile() and $dumpvars() are to output vcd file for plotting data.

Simulation Flow

compile and run

iverilog compiles the source modules to produce files for vvp.

iverilog -o tb_counter.out counter.v tb_counter.v
vvp counter.out

Makefile is used to speed up in Linux.

TOP = test_counter
SRC = counter.v
TEST_SRC= tb_counter.v
BIN = $(TOP).vvp

$(BIN): $(SRC) $(TEST_SRC)
    iverilog -o $(BIN) -s $(TOP) $(SRC) $(TEST_SRC)

.PHONY: all clean test

all: $(BIN)

test: $(BIN)
    vvp $(BIN)

    rm -f *.vvp *.vcd

For better usage, I have an updated Makefile. Please send me an email to get a copy of it.

Plot Data

GTKWave is to open vcd files and to plot signals.

gtkwave counter.vcd

More about Iverilog

parameter -o

set the name of compiling output file: iveirlog test.v -o test.out

parameter -y

set the project folder or design folder: iverilog -y $DIR/demo demo_tb.v

parameter -tvhdl

convert verilog to VHDL: iverilog -tvhdl -o output_file.vhd in_file.vhd

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