Thursday, December 13, 2018

Transfer Altium Design schematic and pcb layout to KiCAD version

Sometimes you don't have license of Altium but you need to review the Altium PCB design. There is a good solution for you to use open-source PCB tool, KiCAD.

But you need to use visit the external tools in KiCAD web and download the altium2kicad one.

Clone or download the package of altium2kicad tool.

Create a new folder: tutorial. Put all the altium2kicad files into tutorial folder.

Install a perl tool: strawberry perl for windows.

Put those altium schematic and layout files into the tutorial folder.

Right click to run the perl script "" and then it unpacks .PcbDoc and .SchDoc files into sub-directories.

Right click to run the perl script "" to convert .SchDoc to .sch which is readable by KiCAD.

Right click to run the perl script "" to convert .PcbDoc to .kicadpcb which is also readable by KiCAD.

Now the transfer operation is done. You can launch KiCAD and click Browse --> open local File...
Open the .sch or .kicad
pcb files.

Don't delete -cache.lib files which provides lib details for the design.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

ADC basics

The McGill Physiology Virtual Lab provides a good post talking about some basics of Analog-to-digital converters including sampling, resolution, saturation, sampling rate and aliasing, etc.

Tutorial about pipelined adc design

Pipelined ADCs are common used for high-speed high-resolution data acquisition. Dr. Imran Ahmed posted a good tutorial to briefly talk about 1.5bit/stage pipelined adc design as well as addressing some key tradeoffs.